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nie sciaga mi torrentow dlaczego ??

04 Sie 2006, 11:26

nie sciaga mi ich mam powolny transfer ok 1 kb/s

04 Sie 2006, 11:37

jaki program, jakie łącze, jesteś za natem?

i jak działają inne P2P

04 Sie 2006, 12:12

to co wymienił kolega wyżej plus LICZBA SEEDÓW

04 Sie 2006, 16:51

to tak bit comet u torrent lacze 128 ze strony transfer 15 kb/s. torrenty przy nawet 200 seedach transfer 2 kb/s. inne p2p dzialaja dobrze uzywam bearshare a emule tez nie dziala

04 Sie 2006, 17:48


Pierw wejdź tu:

wrzuć swój konfig, potem wrzuc to do programu

jak dalej będzie 1KB to sie pomyśli

04 Sie 2006, 18:50

Network Options › Global maximum upload rate: 1
This setting takes value of 8% - 10% of your maximum upload speed (in kilobits/s). It should leave approx 10% bandwidth unused for protocol traffic and your web activity. If you have difficulty with browsing web or sending emails, set it to lower value (but only a bit!).
Network Options › Alternate upload rate: 1
It's the maximum upload rate when you're not downloading anything. Feel free to set it to a higher value, but keep in mind that it should be higher than 95% of your maximum upload.
Network Options › Global maximum download rate: 1
Maximum bandwidth that µTorrent will use. Should get value of 8% - 10% of your maximum download speed (in kilobits/s). Again, you can try to lower this if you experience difficulties with your normal web activities.
Torrent Options › Global maximum number of connections: 13
µTorrent will not use more connections (upload, download) than this setting. It should be equal to your maximum upload (in kilobits/s).
Torrent Options › Maximum number of connected peers per torrent: 2
Same as above, but per-torrent based. If you're downloading one-two torrents per time only, you can try to make this value higher.
Torrent Options › Number of upload slots per torrent: 1
This value should be at least 1, and should take approx. 25% of your Global maximum upload rate setting. Also, tick the Use additional upload slots if upload speed <90% setting for better results.
Advanced Options › net.max_halfopen: 7
Note that you must apply LvlLord's TCP/IP patch. This setting should be approx. 50% of your upload speed (in kilobits/s).

04 Sie 2006, 19:21

a poco nam to :?:

wg tego miałeś skonfigurować klienta, a nie wklejać nam to :P


babilon napisał(a):Network Options › Global maximum upload rate: 1

jak to możliwe :?:

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